If you came of age in the 1970s, you likely figured out your best colors based on the seasonal color wheel, which matched your complexion and hair to a specific set of complimentary colors. But things change as you age, and your coloring has probably shifted. Are you still wearing the right hues? “I have a tremendous number of clients...


Wearing color is a tricky concept (we mean, it's why most of us are allergic to anything that's falls outside the neutral palette, aka our comfort zone). The exhaustively extensive color spectrum alone is overwhelming, if not downright intimidating. But if you put mood, personal preferences, and what's on trend aside for a moment, the right color—or the right shade,...


You try on a dress that looked beautiful in the store window, but feel that it looks awful on you. Does this sound familiar? Well, it doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with your body. You simply don’t dress according to your body shape. But don’t worry — we at Bright Side have some tips for you on what to wear to make your body type look its absolute best. An apple-shaped body: Wear clothes that...



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